Otherwise, you will see a list of users you follow. The algorithm deployed by TikTok to populate your feed has made it difficult to sort videos by date. In short, the steps to hide your TikTok following list are as follows: Lets look at each of these steps in more detail. Douyin, available only in China, is similar to TikTok. Like I mentioned previously, Tik Toks new version has made it even more unique by making the followers list in order. There are a few workarounds, but they are far from perfect. A private community forum / support group. You can do this by tapping on their username in a video or message, or by searching for them. For one, sorting by date can help you find the most recent videos if youre trying to follow a particular trend or challenge. In the Videos tab on your profile, tap the playlist you'd like to update.3. gettext(`web_menu_tiktok_rewards`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_ptopic_gettingstarted`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_creatingacct`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_setupprofile`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Adding a profile photo or video`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Nickname Display`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Changing your username`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Linking another social media account`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Changing language preferences`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_foryou`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_createfirstvideo`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_ptopic_usingtt`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_createvids`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Creator tools on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok Stories`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Credit a video`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Duets`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Stitch`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Camera tools`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Effects`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Sounds`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Editing, posting, and deleting`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Create playlists of your videos`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Accessibility`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_explorevid`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`For You`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Friends Tab`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok Now`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Liking`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Sharing`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Discover and search`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Watch videos in a playlist`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Video Downloads`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_messaging`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Comments`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Direct messages`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Notifications`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok stickers`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_followers_following`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Following and unfollowing`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Finding friends from your contacts`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Removing followers`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Blocking users`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Finding your blocked list`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_growaudience`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`How to grow your audience`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Verified accounts on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Personal and Business Accounts on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Government, Politician, and Political Party Accounts`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`My videos aren't getting views`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`How can creators earn on TikTok?`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Use Promote to grow your TikTok audience`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_rptproblem`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_ptopic_acct_privacy_settings`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_acctinfo`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Screen time`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_acctprivacysettings`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Choosing between a private or public account`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Activity Status on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Suggested accounts`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Location information on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Direct Messages`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Remove original sounds`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok Post View History`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok profile view history`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Teen privacy and safety settings`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Video privacy`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Dark mode`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_changing_personalized_ads`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Ad Experience Specialist`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`About This Ad`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`How your ads are personalized`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Advertiser settings`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Use of off-TikTok activity for ad targeting`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Your ad activity`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Requesting your data`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`How your email and phone number are used on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok Mobile Application Identifier app`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_deletingacct`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_ptopic_safety`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a comment`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a direct message`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a hashtag`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report an impersonation account`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a LIVE comment`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a LIVE video`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a sound`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a suggested search`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a TikTok Now`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a TikTok Sticker`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a video`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report someone`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report another issue`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Share feedback`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_acct_usersafety`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Account safety`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`User safety`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Community Guidelines`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Content violations and bans`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Audience controls`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`For Parents and Guardians`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Avoid fraudulent message attacks on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Inactive Account Policy`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Minimum age appeals for TikTok LIVE`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Underage appeals on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Intellectual property`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Copyright`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Trademark and counterfeiting`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Youth Portal`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Connect to third-party apps`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok Developer Tools and related terms`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Law Enforcement Data Request Guidelines`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_rptsecurity`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_ptopic_login_troubleshoot`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_login`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Browse as guest`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Email and phone number`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Forgot my password`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`My account has been hacked`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`My account logged out automatically`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Reset password`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Still need help?`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_troubleshooting`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`First steps`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Report a problem`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Issues with TikTok LIVE`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Why am I seeing a "too fast" error message?`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_ptopic_ttlive_gifts_wallet`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_ttlive`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`What is TikTok LIVE?`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Comments on TikTok LIVE`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok LIVE multi-guest`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok LIVE Events`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok LIVE Replay`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok LIVE Campaign`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`LIVE Gifts on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_gifts`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Gifts`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Send a Gift during a LIVE on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Send a Gift to a TikTok video`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_ptopic_business_creatormonetization`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_ttbiz`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`I am interested in becoming an advertiser on TikTok.`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`How can I contact TikTok for advertising related inquiries?`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_creator_bizaccts`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Branded Content On TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok Advertising Policies-Ad Creatives`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`TikTok Advertising Policies-Industry Entry`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_tcm`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_ttcreatornext`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_videogiftsontiktok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`tt_hc_stopic_tippingontiktok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Tip a creator on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), gettext(`Receive a Tip on TikTok`,_ps_null_pe_,_is_null_ie_), Who can create a playlist of their videos. Heres how to use the site: The information can help you gauge how well your competitors on the platform are doing. Before Lisa and Lena, Baby Ariel was the most-followed TikTok user. Keep in mind, you can only add public videos to a playlist.4. This list contains the top 50 accounts by number of followers on the Chinese social media platform TikTok, which was merged with musical.ly in 2018. If you have any other questions, please ask them using the comment form below. For example, you can easily access this Tik Tok utilizing a computer by visiting the Tik Tok website. The page will bring up a list of TikTok profiles based on the entered username. This does not effect our editorial in any way. One way is to go to your profile and click the three dots in the top right corner. Change The Following List Setting To Only Me. Now we can view our followers in order based on the time when they followed our profile. TikTok followers appear in chronological order, based on the date that the person followed you. Once you log in to your profile, the homepage will automatically appear on the screen. The user receives a notification when you press Follow on their private account. A private community forum / support group. Here's how to do both on iPhone or Android. Let's look at each of these steps in more detail. Tap Add to playlist.4. However, when using the computer you can only see the number of followers, you cannot click on them. On the Post screen, tap Add to playlist.3. Here is the list of users who changed their private Tik Tok account into a Tik Tok business account after becoming world-famous. Before Khaby Lame became the most-followed TikTok user on 22 June 2022, Charli D'Amelio was the most-followed TikTok user. Your TikTok profile is the way to display your likes and . Keep in mind, the green dot may still be visible for some time after someone becomes inactive on . For whatever reason, you may not want your following list to be public. He's also a go-to source for tech analysis on channels like Newsy, Cheddar, and NewsNation. Becoming very popular in Tik Tok needs a little effort and a sense of timing for posting the content. Scan this QR code to download the app now. After clicking the "Following" button next to . Is it in chronological order? When you first open TikTok, you're brought to your home screen. So, the accounts youll want to appear at the top should be followed last. Youll need to use a 3rd party solution like Hootsuite. Under the 'Account' section, tap on 'Privacy'. TikTok does impose a limit to how many people that you can follow. 500+ business, marketing, and personal development lessons. 1. However, not all of its aspects are so straightforward. Delete a playlist:1. The app uses an algorithm-based, highly personalized feed designed to deliver videos tailored to individual users, considering factors like your interests, who you follow, and whats trending. The only way to see the accounts of the followers is to open the app from your mobile device. It is a relatively new app but already has millions of users. This page may contain affiliate links. In your TikTok app, tap Profile in the bottom right.2. The following table lists the accounts that were once the most-followed on TikTok, excluding the official TikTok account. You can also follow people by visiting their profile. TikTok has become one of the most popular social media apps, largely due to its user-friendly interface. By searching for and using relevant hashtags, you can reach a wider audience and get your videos seen by more people. Have you had difficulty viewing someones TikTok following before? 1. The Most Viewed TikTok Videos of All Time, How to Change the Location on a FireStick, How to Download Photos from Google Photos, How to Remove Netflix Recently Watched Shows. In the Videos tab on your profile, tap the playlist you'd like to update.3. Visit Streams and then open the board hosting the stream. Tap the " Profile " tab in the bottom right corner. In total, these businesses have sold hundreds of thousands of units and have touched millions of lives. Now, only you will be able to view your following list even if you have a public account. TikTok followers appear in chronological order, based on the date that the person followed you. Once the setting has been turned on, you no longer have anything to worry about. 7 0 0 comments Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts you may like r/assassinscreed 1 yr. ago What is the chronologically order of the Dlc's in AC Valhalla ? On the upside, TikTok is a dynamic platform that keeps on introducing new features, and we hope that at some point, it will be possible to sort videos, comments, or hashtags by date without leaving the app. Unlike your followers, TikTok does impose a limit to how many people that you can follow. Are TikTok Followers In Chronological Order? They wont know youre behind the account, so they might be more inclined to approve the follow request. As the first step, open the app and then log in to your Tik Tok profile At the bottom of the home page, you will find a menu icon that will lead you to your profile. ), How Does TikTok Know Your Location? However, popular creators have a large following, and it might take a while to get to the bottom of the list. I have an account with over 150,000 followers and came across several large accounts following me that I did not expect. Once your settings are loaded, you will have a lot of options presented to you. While checking the followers list on a public account only takes a few clicks, private profiles prevent you from accessing this data. Blocking someone that you follow will also automatically unfollow them. On TikTok, your following list displays a list of every user that youre following. On your device or on the web, find and follow popular TikTok creators. In order to rearrange your following list, you will need to unfollow accounts, and then refollow them in the order you want to appear, but backwards. Also, you can monitor someones follower count in real-time and determine how fast their online presence is growing. Scroll down and tap the " Sorting Options " section. These people with so many followers are considered famous personalities of Tik Tok or Tik Tok celebrities. If you'd like to add a video to a different playlist, you'll have to remove it from the playlist it's already in. Unlike other social apps, TikTok didn't become a global success by connecting people with their . TikTok lets users decide whether their profile will be public or private. My entire library of courses, templates, cheat sheets and swipe files. Tik Tok algorithm and Tik Tok analytics are different when compared to other media platforms. Discover short videos related to instagram following list order meaning on TikTok. On the Following tab, you will see the types of videos of people you already follow. This interactivity makes TikTok much more engaging than other video-sharing platforms. Choose the playlist you'd like to add the video to. In short, the steps to hide your TikTok following list are as follows: Visit your profile. Youll be notified that you cant view the persons following due to their privacy settings indicating everything is working as it should be! The algorithm deployed prioritizes engagement over date stamps. Unfortunately, there is no button to unfollow everyone immediately. (2023 Update), How To Get Verified On TikTok Without Followers, For Free! When you first open TikTok, it can be tempting to like every video you see and follow every creator you find. Tap On The Section That Says Following List, 4. (2023 Update). Make a playlist from a video:1. Once you've created your playlist, you can add more videos that you've already created, or add new videos to a playlist. Next, on the Suggested Accounts tab, Tik Tok recommends some users for you to follow after analyzing your preference and the people you already follow. In your TikTok app, create your video.2. So, if you were to scroll all the way down to the end of your followers list, you would see the first person that ever followed you! You should see a list of everyone you are following. How To Hide Your Etsy Stores Sold Items (And Why You Should! You can follow or unfollow someone on TikTok by visiting their profile page. This article will discuss whether you can sort various items on TikTok by date, including videos, hashtags, and comments. The action will generate a new page. But did you know that there is a way to make it so nobody can view who you are following? The advantage is that they do not have a private account. In the Videos tab on your profile, tap the playlist you'd like to update.3. Although TikTok is simple to navigate, gathering information about other users can be complicated. Tap Remove from playlist. This means your following list will ever only grow to a certain size, making it much easier to manage. On your profile, near the Tik Tok bio, there is a list of people who follow you. The page will now display the users follower count. 36.0% of US marketers used TikTok for influencer marketing, a 33% growth from the prior . In your TikTok app, tap Profile in the bottom right.2. For sharing tips for content creation, asking other tiktokers for help, and other things that pertain to creating content! Once you add a video to a playlist, you can also remove it. This icon will be located in the top-right corner of your screen. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Yes. Tap the gray Following button to the right of a user's name to unfollow them. But is it any different if someone else looks? 1. Your email address will not be published. While you can block followers that you dont want to appear in your followers list, you cant rearrange those that remain. If your profile is public, everyone on the platform will be able to open your page, and see what accounts youve chosen to follow. Visit Your Profile, And Open Your Settings If youre using TikTok for business or marketing purposes, its important to be strategic about the content youre pushing out. All Rights Reserved. This article will help you learn how to view Tik Tok followers list on the Tik Tok application and other aspects of Tik Tok. This method works regardless of whether you have a public or private account. 2. 1. But whats Hootsuite? August 15, 2022. In the 'followers' section, is whoever is at the top the most recent follower? Click the button and then choose the follower's option on your profile. Ask your friends if theyre following the private profile. This means that you will see the people that youve followed most recently appearing at the top, with the accounts you first followed appearing at the bottom. Navigate to the upper-right of the interface and click on the Change button. Visit your profile, and pull up your following list. In your TikTok app, go to the video that you want to remove from the playlist.2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. a vpn provider). In any of these situations, sorting videos by date can help you quickly find what youre looking for. Actively posting new videos with good content on Tik Tok will help you gain many followers. Change your playlist's name:1. Tap Post to post your video.Note: Before you can add a video to a playlist from your Post screen, you'll need to create a playlist first. Depending on their popularity, it may take you a few minutes to review the list. On the right-hand side, there will be a . The Creator Playlist feature on TikTok allows creators to categorize their public videos and help viewers watch relevant videos in a series. Most importantly, you can use streams to sort TikTok comments by date. This does not effect our editorial in any way. Make a playlist from a video: 1. TikTok video from Crystallover84 (@crystallover84): "COME CHAT AND #MAKE #NEW #friends #newfriends OVER HERE ON MY #FIRST #LIVE ON #Whatnot TO #EVERYONE #FOLLOWING ME ON #Whatnot DONT FORGET TO GRAB A #DRINK FROM THE BACK AND GRAB SOME #GOODIES AND #MUNCHES AND COME #CHILL ON OUR #SOFT #FUZZY #PILLOWS THOSE WHO SHOW UP TONIGHT AT 8:00pm central time today Sunday March 19th GET FIRST DIBS # . Navigate to the Followers section under the username. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. One of the great things about TikTok is that other users can leave comments on your videos. This is a great way to unfollow multiple people at once. Creating A TikTok Account. There may be an external way to, like an app or website or something, but tiktok is still relatively new so probs dont hold your breath. Users can hide their . This one is much harder, because you cant control who follows you (and when) unless you have a private account. 3. Your followers have become inactive, resulting in Tik Tok removing those inactive accounts from the platform only active users profile. The type of content you post is no more entertaining or relatable to the viewer. a crawler/scraper), 2) You're accessing the website from a computer network not typically used by humans (i.e. Currently, the answer is no. Your email address will not be published. All this means that if you want to find the most recent videos on a particular topic, youll need to search through the entire hashtag feed. So, this strategy should only be used if you really care a lot about the order of your following list. If you want to connect with James, follow him on your favorite social networks! Hopefully, this article cleared all your doubts regarding Tik Tok, especially how to view Tik Tok followers list. It allows you to see all your social media feeds in one place, making it easier to keep track of whats going on. If you go and look at your own lists of followers and accounts that youre following on TikTok, you will see them in chronological order. The Most Viewed TikTok Videos of All Time, How to Change the Location on a FireStick, How to Download Photos from Google Photos, How to Remove Netflix Recently Watched Shows. Those who want to kickstart their TikTok career might want to get an in-depth understanding of their favorite creators follower count. Type the appropriate username in the search box in the upper part of the app. This list contains the top 50 accounts by number of followers on the Chinese social media platform TikTok, which was merged with musical.ly in 2018. Luckily, TikTok gives you full control over who you follow or unfollow. To log in to your account, click on the Login symbol on the top of the website and then type your login details to enter into your page. As a founding member of the Reference team, he helped grow Tech Reference (now part of Insider Reviews) from humble beginnings into a juggernaut that attracts over 20 million visits a month. When a profile is public, the users videos and account information is visible to anyone on the platform.

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