Is it balanced? Under this circumstance, one of the best social programs a firm can offer is:, Compliance-based ethics codes: and more. Bioethics is a subcategory of ethics. C. growing in popularity. a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. Although a rare occasions, a patient may, at times, ask you to do something that is not ethical. What could be the moral philosophy used in his decision? A high-level manager gathers his team of supervisors together to create a new office policy that will affect all employees at the company. a. Utilizing a(n) _____ allows an organization to identify, monitor, and respond to the needs, values, and expectations of different stakeholder groups. A. higher profits. When something like this occurs, the nurse must inform the client that they cannot do it for ethical and legal reasons. C. the increase in lawsuits used to avoid personal responsibility. Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? D. self-motivated, Many Americans define ethical behavior according to the situation in which they find themselves. In relation to the Nuremberg Code, what was achieved through the Declaration of Helsinki? Soliciting the opinions of others in a work group or in the overall business in order to gain feedback, justice principles were beliefs that everyone could accept, An ethical corporate culture needs _____ along with _____ to establish an ethics program and monitor the complex ethical decisions being made by employees. These people, who are the first to be asked where something is located, are trained to treat customers as guests. B. A. attending corporate responsibility seminars. It refers to the shortsightedness about values. Individual differences in relation to a generalized belief about how one is affected by internal versus external events or reinforcements is known as. A. schools economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic. Care must be fairly, justly, and equitably distributed among a group of patients. She was the first person who found Firm A's misbehavior. arrow_forward. C. all levels of management. To improve Americas business ethics: b. Paramedics and security guards were allowed to intervene. Is it balanced? He explains to the supervisors that the new policy will be posted in the break rooms on each floor of corporate headquarters. D. company leaders should adopt and support a corporate code of ethics. (S)he is exceptionally organized. When Angela graduated with a degree in computer science and started her software company, she posted a sign that read, "This company will always operate within the legal limits of the law." D. watchdogs and whistleblowers. A. the breakdown of traditional religious institutions. B. the first step toward They are a set of principles or standards that differentiate right from wrong. A. strong moral values. Congress passed the FSGO in 1991 to create an incentive for organizations to develop and implement programs designed to foster ethical and legal compliance. Steps 1 through 3 in stakeholder framework are geared toward generating information about social responsibility among a variety of influences in and around an organization. Terms of Service Copyright Notice Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy. They protect members from practices that may result in public condemnation b. According to the Making Ethical Decisions box: d. Participants were informed right after the study that no shock was given. Ethical dilemmas in business: Congress must pass an ethics bill. While not mandated, the makers of Blackberry have complied with the public request of several legislators and have obediently removed apps that permit smartphone users to navigate around the checkpoints. Which of the following was a measure he took to ensure that the replication met ethical standards? C. prices. ____ involve efforts to recruit, hire, train, and promote qualified individuals from groups that have traditionally been discriminated against on the basis of race, gender, or other characteristics. b. Establishing a formal code of ethics is: C. watch tower sentinel Which of the following is NOT a primary stakeholder group? The most commonly occurring ethical issues and concerns in healthcare include the allocation of scarce resources and end of life issues. After receiving a verbal okay from the supervisors, he then proceeds to pass around a written form of the new policy and asks all members of the team to initial it. D. irrelevant and therefore require no action. Profit - Loss Which of the following is correct? d. The discovery that World War I prisoner treatments left hundreds of thousands in traumatized conditions. The nurse must be faithful and true to their professional promises and responsibilities by providing high quality, safe care in a competent manner. false. Is it legal? A moral philosophy is a general set of values by which different people live. 5. Which statement best describes ethical formulation? Which of the following is not a recognised form of organisational justice? b. IRB regulation extending beyond the protection of human subjects and ethical conduct. She got her bachelors of science in nursing with Excelsior College, a part of the New York State University and immediately upon graduation she began graduate school at Adelphi University on Long Island, New York. What is ethical imperialism? D. a firms responsibility to its owners. Because of Sarbanes-Oxley, publicly traded companies must develop _____ to assist in maintaining transparency in financial reporting. A. legal Ethics is determined by self-interest. Which of the following is an office, created by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which is charged with creating a better system for analyzing the financial industry? The Sarbanes-Oxley Act made it illegal for U.S. businesses to issue bribes to foreign government officials. Laws represent the minimum guidelines that companies must follow, whereas a firm's ethical stance may venture beyond the minimum level of compliance. D. balance the concerns of profit and legality. A. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. B. A recent study revealed that most Americans have: Which of the following questions can help us avoid a decision that would injure our self-esteem? A. force us to make poor choices. A. attending corporate responsibility seminars. D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. B. an individuals behavior is influenced by the behavior of others. Which of the following statements best describes the AICPA ethics rules relating to a member's failure to file his or her personal tax returns in a timely manner. Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme swindled about $65 million from customers who invested with his firm. D. How can I avoid taking the blame? The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) promotes which of the following? Step 4 brings these three stages together to arrive at an understanding of social responsibility that specifically matches the organization of interest. Forecasting sales for the next year. C. (S)he has a capacity to serve as a counselor and an investigator. d. Participants of the film were not deceived. B. moral absolutes. ________ refers to standards of moral behavior. With respect to what you learned in this chapter about the ethical behavior of many Americans, which of the following statements applies here? Can I do this without getting caught? At its simplest, ethics is a system of moral principles. C. choose between a correct and an incorrect option. C. How will it make me feel about myself? D. Employees demand it. a. A. Ethics is the standard of behavior by which conduct is judged. Purposefully understating your firms income to avoid paying higher taxes is an example of: When managers disregard ethical concerns, the likely result is: After developing a code of ethics, it should be communicated to: It allows researchers to explore research questions that examine change over time since often times animals used in research have shorter lifespans than humans. What law instituted a whistle-blower bounty program in which whistle-blowers are eligible to receive 10 to 30 percent of fines if their reports result in convictions of more than $1 million in penalties? Strict global regulations require it. A. Overstating an expense report. C. law enforcement officers The IACUC is a federally monitored committee at the national level that oversees all research. Which of the following statement best describes Ethical Code for counselor? Which of the following would most likely involve ethical concerns? Can I do this without getting caught? The relevance or importance of an ethical issue in the eyes of the individual, work group, and/or organization is known as: ____ involves the conditions for encouraging or limiting ethical behavior in an organization through rewards for ethical behavior or failing to prohibit unethical behavior. a. D. Will I get caught? A. social C. engaged in illegal behavior. What should Jessica's response be to support her company's moral agent role? When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? c. The IACUC is an entity similar to the IRB that oversees animal research at specific institutions. A. Nurses must be fair when they distribute care, for example, among the patients in the group of patients that they are taking care of. Elena, an employee at ABC Marketing, has observed misconduct at work and wonders if she should report it. Cigarette producers refused to voluntarily place health warnings on their packages. The two major classifications of ethical principles and ethical thought are utilitarianism and deontology. C. choose between a correct and an incorrect option. d. The conditions in an organization that limit or permit ethical or unethical behavior. George feels uncomfortable every time he sees his supervisor sexually harass women employees. b. Ltd. It became the first committee to do research on sick patients. B. Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective ethics officer? Like the evaluation phase of the Nursing Process, actions to resolve ethical issues are evaluated and measured in terms of their effectiveness to resolve the ethical dilemma. Which dimension of social responsibility refers to business's contributions to society? This story indicates that moral absolutes are very prevalent today in business settings. Ethical behavior at work is learned by: D. integrity watchdog, A(n) ________-based ethics code defines corporate values; creates a supportive environment, and, stresses shared accountability among employees. A. Legality C. ethical D. create a "do-it-right" climate that emphasizes core values. D. Americans will generally describe the golden rule as the only statement of value that they uphold. Which of the following is NOT one of the top types of observed misconduct? Researchers associated it with Nazi behaviors as an act of immorality, and not with one that is related to researchers working without regulation. Evaluating the Results of the Action. C. lower prices. What is the make-up of the IRB committee? After receiving a verbal okay from the supervisors, he then proceeds to pass around a written form of the new policy and asks all members of the team to initial it.

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